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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Stationery Card

Meet Mr Blue Birth Announcement
Shutterfly has cute baby announcements and Valentine's Day cards.
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Stationery Card

Meet Mr Blue Birth Announcement
Create beautiful birth announcements with Shutterfly.
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Sunday, June 16, 2013


So Patrick is now a big boy. He slept in his crib for the first time today, for a nap. I was so surprised and am so proud of him. I just put him down for bed in his crib too, fingers crossed he does great!!!! 

I guess he liked his nap! Hoping he enjoys his sleep a lot tonight, maybe enough to sleep 9-3! 

Tomorrow I am leaving Tim with C & P for a STEM meeting and I'm hoping they behave for their Daddy.  He does such a great job with them and I do not tell him enough, how much I truly appreciate him! 

Happy Daddy's Day!

Monday, June 10, 2013


No really my little peanut I SUCH a big girl. She rocks!

Today while she went to Nannette's I put her toddler rail on her bed. I made it nice and pretty and told her all about on our way home. We went straight upstairs, since Patrick was still sleeping, and played in her room ad sat on her new big girl bed.

We went on with our afternoon and enjoyed coloring outside, eating Mac & cheese, and bath time where I searched for "nickels" in her ears (my mom's trick to cleaning out ears- I remover her doing it to me as a child, too). Well talk about belly laugh, deep in our guts, both of us couldn't stop hysterically laughing. Claire started checking Ariel's ears for nickels too and she couldn't get enough of it! So darn funny!!!

Fast forward to bed time. We sat in bed together and I covered her up with three b-lankets! She had 3 pacis in hand, well one in mouth, and we read 5 books: Goodnight Moon, Animals, Bathtime, Olivia (her pronunciation of this is adorable), and Summer (twice). She then read to Daddy and I by herself. I so wish I taped that because she would say the things she knew like and elaborate with nonsense words! So darn cute!!!

I then needed to calm Patrick down so Tim was on charge. I watched on the monitor as he read one more story and she said she didn't want to go down. Well he picked her up, laid her down, covered her and said goodnight. She cried a bit, stood up, sat back down, cried a little, and eventually laid down slowly falling asleep.

Then I get a phone call from my mom on Tim's phone; odd.

Tornado watch meaning one was spotted near us. We had to make a decision wake Claire up for nothing or don't wake her up and something happen. We went to the basement for about 10 minutes. She played with my phone then I took her back up. She went right down! How sweet! Now she's sound asleep- I wonder if she'll call for us when she wakes. I hope so!!

She is such a big girl- she did have her first "beer" last night too! No really it was just apple juice! :)

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Pee Pee

Claire just went pee pee in the potty (not the first time, but it's been a while). You go girl!!! She got two mini m&ms for the tinkle. I only meant to show her one - oops!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Sleep Deprivation, what's that?

I very easily may be jinxing myself, but I want to write this post because I am curious as to how Claire was at this age. I remember being EXHAUSTED. I remember wondering and bouncing and swaying and shushing in the middle of the night all night long. I do not remember 2-3 hour chunks of sleep on a regular basis all night long. I only remember maybe sleeping 2 or 3 hours total for the night. Patrick is a sleepy boy and loves to wake up only to nurse. He falls back asleep instantly and stays unswaddled in his bed next to our bed. I began wondering today, if it because he is going to be trouble in the future. Will he be like his Daddy, keeping me up all hours of the night when he's a teenager? I fear this, but I cannot stress over it now, as I am one happy mama since he is letting me sleep soundly every night and I truly am not sleep deprived. Life is really good right now.

Friday, May 3, 2013

7 days new

Seriously, 7 days have gone by and our little man has completely fit right into our lives. He is absolutely perfect. By Saturday he had peed on both of us for the first time. Holy boy pee stream; it was like fireworks, yet urine. Gross. By Tuesday he had gained all his weight lost back. He was 8 lbs 13 oz at his first doctor's appointment. We were told he was healthy and perfect. He sat in the car at his first lacrosse game. By Wednesday my milk was completely in. By Thursday Claire was excited to see Patrick and he attended his first real lacrosse game. By Friday he peed on me for the second time. I jumped. It was kind of scary.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Got sleep?

Little guy was a sleeping rockstar last night! Looks like he doesn't want to be swaddled so I put him down, arms wide as can be, no blanket and e slept for 2-3 hour increments and woke up 2-3 times o be changed a nurse. Here's to hoping this becomes a pattern.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Happy Birthday, Patrick John! April 26, 2013

Little Mr.Sunshine has arrived (April 26, 2013), a day later than his 20 week ultrasound dated him to arrive (April 25th), and a few days earlier than his original due date (April 29th). He is the sweetest, most content little fellow; we have been so blessed. Patrick John graced us with his presence at 10:15 am after exactly one hour of pushing. He started to let us know he was coming at 9:00 am, Thursday morning with contractions that were caused due to an extremely boring work meeting. Daddy and I decided to leave work a bit early to see if the contractions would subside or were the real deal. They did get closer and more intense throughout the day so we headed into the hospital to see if I had progressed since Tuesday cervical check. No such luck and Dr. J sent us home telling me to stay home from work Friday and if he hasn't arrived I could go to the Hebron - MR game I so desperately was trying to make. Turns out around 9:30 pm contractions were more intense and I just had a feeling if we didn't go in we'd be calling Dr. J around 3 am. And of course I feel funny waking anyone up in the middle of the morning even if it's because I'm in labor. We called Mimi up to sleep over with Sweet C and headed to the hospital. After an hour of walking I had dilated from 1-2 cm to 3-4 cm. Progress, YAY! So we were admitted and knew little man would arrive on April 26th. After two tries with the space for the epidural, which happened to take about 45 minutes (Tim was worried), I felt no more contractions and was in heaven. I dozed off and on for 2 hours, while Tim was able to manage almost 4 hours of sleep. When we woke, Dr. J arrived and checked me at 8:30 am. He was pleasantly surprised I was 10 cm and baby's head was real low. He asked where Tim had gone (he ran out to the car) and said to call him soon because I was probably about to push any moment. At 9:15 he left me start pushing. After several different types of pushing PJB arrived quietly and fairly smoothly into the world at 10:15 am. He weighed 8 lbs 13.8 oz and measured 19 1/4 inches long. He received an 8/9 on his Apgar tests and initially was taken off my chest to make him scream some more since he didn't seem to have the lungs his big sister had/has. He's been super content and was able to nurse immediately following delivery. The following hours he spit up a good bit of mucus which probably explains why he didn't come out scream, instead her swallowed some amniotic fluid. He finally starting nursing like a champ at 10:15 that night and has been super ever since. Claire Beth came to visit her "baby" and loves the new baby. Although she is not thrilled that he eats with mommy and she cannot sit on my lap too. Looks like Mommy is going to figure out a way to keep her content during nursing sessions all spring and summer long. I am pretty sure Claire is bummed Mommy hasn't been home with her and we are so looking forward to heading home tomorrow as a family of four. Our perfect little family of four. Our little Brady Bunch!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

It's the beginning

Here he comes...

Cramping since Sunday.

1-2 cm dilated today.

Sitting down all day.

Hips kill at night.

Waddling, check.

Oh, and totally feeling ICK!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Tick tock...

Time keeps passing with nothing but the occasional Braxton hicks contraction. Nothing real. Nothing substantial and fingers (and legs) still crossed for after 9 pm April 26th for labor to start.

We play Mt. Hebron out biggest competition in the county. I need to be there. We shall see what takes place. He's already predicted at 7 lbs 13 oz.

Claire at 2 days old and 19.5 months. She's my beauty!

Monday, April 8, 2013

The cast is off (4/8)

Her tibia is 90% healed. I am a nervous wreck about her reinjuring it but the doctor assures me as long as she doesn't fall on it from a high height she should be fine. Easy for him to say, my child is a daredevil.

She was a trooper with the saw and barely cried the first time down the outside of the leg. Mimi was stuffing her face with yummy m&m's, her favorite. As it came off they cleaned it off and taped it up for our special Claire Memory box. Her leg was yucky and stinky. She kept telling us, "Dat cast I yucky." Yes dear, it is!

Once home she took a long, fun bath with her new Ariel doll as Mimi played with her:) she smells lovely now.

While watching Ariel and Ursala, Claire tried walking and really couldn't do it unless she was holding on to something to help her out!

She's such a sweetie. A trooper and a special little girl. I cannot believe how brave she is and was during this whole process.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Lil Mermai

The Little Mermaid has become a staple in our house the past three days. Claire was sent home from daycare with a fever on Friday and starting Saturday morning at 4:45 am she watch Lil Mermai 3 times before finally falling asleep at 11:30 am for a 4.5 hour nap. Then we watched it again and 3 times today. I did finally say no and made her watch The Lion King, but it's been hard to distract her with other things since she is not completely mobile with her broken leg. She is doing fabulous with the pretty pink cast. She can walk and crawl and scoot and even throw tantrums still. She uses it as a weapon in her crib when she doesn't want to go to bed. She even climbs stairs and her little lookout treehouse to go down the slide. It's just fabulous. I pray we make it to April 8th without a broken arm or face.

Our Talkative 19 Month Old

Newest phrases: Go away, Mommy. Go away, Daddy. Go away, Monty. Geg (for get) up, Mommy No, Mommy. No, Daddy. New Words: Lil Mermai (Little Mermaid) Ah-wee-al (Ariel) Lye-n (Lion King)

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


35 weeks with 35 days to go <3

Here comes baby Patrick!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

First paper cut

The damage all over her shirt. Tried 2 bandaids and she wouldn't leave them alone. She tracked blood all per the house since she has to use her hands to maneuver with her cast.

Monday, March 11, 2013


She is so much happier now. Stinks how heavy the thing is, but it sure is pretty:) Claire is already trying to stand up and walk on it!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

33 weeks and a broken legged baby

I want to scream. Seriously. This had to happen at the end of this pregnancy, in the middle of lacrosse season and of course to my sweet baby girl. 6-8 weeks in a cast, praying no surgery. A spiral fracture due to her leg getting stuck while going down the slide, Tim had to go down with her. I feel so bad for her.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Middle name- still not sold on anything

Patrick John

Patrick James

Patrick Drew

Patrick Harrison

Patrick Spencer Brady


Monday, March 4, 2013

Nesting perhaps?

Finally getting his room together. 34 weeks tomorrow:)

Check out my girl!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

An hour

An hour for her to fall back asleep...

18 month sleep regression: who warns you of this? No one!

She tried every trick in the book from hungry to daddy to Monty. She came into bed with us for 10 minutes, tutted talking and said she wanted to eat. Gave her a cracker, she did not eat it. Changed her diaper, not dirty. Placed her back in bed. Threw out her paci, I retrieved it. One hour later she fall back asleep. Whoa! Please only be tonight.

No Point Post

Just some sweet pictures!

Claire has been trying to talk sentences. She says a bunch of gibber jabber but wants to so badly make sense. She always adds words in that she knows.

She talks on the phone and walks around with the phone to her ear. So funny!

Best thing now is she wants "mommmmy" all the time but it's so sweet how she says, "hiii mommmmy"!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Saturday, February 2, 2013

She wants to

If I could name a son after my girl it'd be definitely Kelly Clarkson's Miss Independent. She wants to do everything herself, including walking downstairs (we are not there quite yet). Today she said, "poo poo" and I asked if she wanted to go potty. She said yes!

We walked up the stair and took off her pants and diaper. She wanted a book and she wanted me to take off her socks. So I obliged. After several minutes and several times of her standing up and saying "pee pee" "all done" I reminded her she didn't go yet. She finally had enough fun and wanted a new diaper and her jammies.

She is such a fun little girl.

Monday, January 21, 2013

We're going to the SUPERBOWL!


Claire and Harper had so much fun together sharing toys, eating together, and celebrating TOUCHDOWN.

It is so fun watching the two, who are daycare friends, interact together and play.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

26 weeks with Patrick

I think I've picked the middle name and I told Tim I'm not sharing until the birthday or until I'm positive. It does not have anything to do with the ones I've already listed, it's not Irish and does not start with a J. We'll see if it sticks!

A sweet little girly girl

Who would have thought Claire would like shoes and clothes. She keeps picking up her new clothes on the hanger and saying, "coot". It's adorable! She also picks her new shoes up and wants to test them out over her PJs.

Tonight miss Beth decided not to eat much and I'm putting my foot down about not feeding her after she says "all done". She stood and cried throughout her entire bath and she hit me. I suppose this is normal. I reprimanded her but telling her no and putting her down immediately/ignoring her tantrum of screams. However as I put her to be we said "nigh nigh daddy" and he said, "I love you". She repeated. (((melt your heart))) I thn took her up, gave her her paci and se asked for "min-ne mouse". As I gave it to her I said "I love you" and she said it back- 3 times. Talk about sweet! I didn't want to walk out of the room. I slowly rubbed her forehead and told her again how much I love her!

Here she is with Chuckie on one side and min-ne mouse on her belly:)

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Potty fluke

About 2 weeks ago Claire asked to go "pee pee" and climbed the stairs to her potty. I took off her diaper and gave her a book. After 3 stories she peed!!!!!

Total fluke.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy 2013.

Our baby boy is going to enter this world this year. We are still debating on the name: Patrick Declan or Declan Patrick. The latter is my choice

Both are super Irish. Both of us like both names but I prefer Declan and he prefers Patrick. Decisions!

Saint Declan was around before Saint Patrick which is part of my logic behind my choice. We shall see if labor changes Tim's mind at all.

Here is a picture of Claire last night before we went out to dinner.