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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Stationery Card

Meet Mr Blue Birth Announcement
Shutterfly has cute baby announcements and Valentine's Day cards.
View the entire collection of cards.

Stationery Card

Meet Mr Blue Birth Announcement
Create beautiful birth announcements with Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.

Sunday, June 16, 2013


So Patrick is now a big boy. He slept in his crib for the first time today, for a nap. I was so surprised and am so proud of him. I just put him down for bed in his crib too, fingers crossed he does great!!!! 

I guess he liked his nap! Hoping he enjoys his sleep a lot tonight, maybe enough to sleep 9-3! 

Tomorrow I am leaving Tim with C & P for a STEM meeting and I'm hoping they behave for their Daddy.  He does such a great job with them and I do not tell him enough, how much I truly appreciate him! 

Happy Daddy's Day!

Monday, June 10, 2013


No really my little peanut I SUCH a big girl. She rocks!

Today while she went to Nannette's I put her toddler rail on her bed. I made it nice and pretty and told her all about on our way home. We went straight upstairs, since Patrick was still sleeping, and played in her room ad sat on her new big girl bed.

We went on with our afternoon and enjoyed coloring outside, eating Mac & cheese, and bath time where I searched for "nickels" in her ears (my mom's trick to cleaning out ears- I remover her doing it to me as a child, too). Well talk about belly laugh, deep in our guts, both of us couldn't stop hysterically laughing. Claire started checking Ariel's ears for nickels too and she couldn't get enough of it! So darn funny!!!

Fast forward to bed time. We sat in bed together and I covered her up with three b-lankets! She had 3 pacis in hand, well one in mouth, and we read 5 books: Goodnight Moon, Animals, Bathtime, Olivia (her pronunciation of this is adorable), and Summer (twice). She then read to Daddy and I by herself. I so wish I taped that because she would say the things she knew like and elaborate with nonsense words! So darn cute!!!

I then needed to calm Patrick down so Tim was on charge. I watched on the monitor as he read one more story and she said she didn't want to go down. Well he picked her up, laid her down, covered her and said goodnight. She cried a bit, stood up, sat back down, cried a little, and eventually laid down slowly falling asleep.

Then I get a phone call from my mom on Tim's phone; odd.

Tornado watch meaning one was spotted near us. We had to make a decision wake Claire up for nothing or don't wake her up and something happen. We went to the basement for about 10 minutes. She played with my phone then I took her back up. She went right down! How sweet! Now she's sound asleep- I wonder if she'll call for us when she wakes. I hope so!!

She is such a big girl- she did have her first "beer" last night too! No really it was just apple juice! :)

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Pee Pee

Claire just went pee pee in the potty (not the first time, but it's been a while). You go girl!!! She got two mini m&ms for the tinkle. I only meant to show her one - oops!