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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

1st Day Out & History in the Headlines

Well Claire is like every newborn in the sense she clearly has her own agenda and will do whatever she wants, whenever she wants! Last night Mimi stayed over and Tim got 8 hours of sleep; I'm so envious, and I got a few 2.5 hour straight sleepy time because my mom stayed up with her if she wasn't sleeping.

Breastfeeding is not what I expected as I am in some pain and discomfort as I pray my body will figure everything out sooner rather than later. I guess I didn't have an expectation I was just hoping I'd stick with it. Today it got easier because I went and got shield which is helping with the engorgement! Tim is loving the fact that I just keep growing, although there is no way he would be getting near them anytime soon, for one they hurt, and for two they look like a leaky faucet (TMI, most likely, my apologies).

Today, we headed out at 10:40 and Tim got a chai tea from Starbucks would have to wait as of course we were "right on time". The doctor's office was an absolute zoo - wow! I guess that's the story of a pediatrician's office: sick kids, well kids, screaming kids, hyperactive kids, etc. We luckily got called back fairly quickly and gave all Claire's information to the nurse. She weighed out baby girl and she measured 6lbs 13 oz. That means she's already gained one ounce. Babies typically will lose weight until 5 days of age where they start to put it back on. I was thrilled with the fact, clearly she's eating! Dr. M came in and he checked her out and said she's doing beautifully. He answered some of our questions, but unfortunately, Murphy's Law, I left the entire piece of paper with my list of questions on the dining room table. Luckily I remembered a few, but honestly at this point Claire was screaming with a dirty diaper, so Tim was changing her while I was trying to talk about our concerns. He told us to put her in her crib tonight and see if that works. He said he did it with all his kids, from day one. He said try not to get used to all the inclined like sleepers. Hmm...things to think about. He mentioned to go try pacifiers and not to be afraid of them because I should not be her pacifier. UGH - I have probably already started this bad habit and it needs to be broken. He also encouraged us to do tummy time with her when she's awake and shockingly we've been doing it here and there and she is a strong cookie. I am amazed by how much she can control her neck and head and the fact she does the army crawl up with her legs pushing on the ground or my chest as her butt enters the air. She also can turn her head side to side. He was surprised by how alert she is when she's awake. She was pretty eyed looking at the doc as to say, "Yes, I am a strong baby girl and dashingly beautiful, don't ya think?".

Headlines Today: Quake of the East Coast - sadly I will not be in school next week to actually start the school year with current events of Earth Science - I am super SUPER bummed about it. But, clearly for obvious reasons I will be home and I am pretty happy about that! My baby girl needs me and I can't imagine leaving her - November is far in the distance and in the back of my mind! Well we had just gotten back from the doctors and Babies R Us and I sat down to feed the little one. As soon as we started the room started shaking and Tim and I look at each other puzzled for a second, then he opens the front door and I stand up with Claire in the football hold saying get away from the window and we wobble to the doorway between our dining room and living room. I crouch down on the floor and both pups come sitting next to me. And it stops...

Tim and I stare at each other and are like are you serious that just happened...we both concluded "earthquake". Sure enough we turn on the news 10 minutes later and a 5.8 quake just hit in Virginia and spread up and down the East Coast. That sure will make it in the baby book for Claire.

As she sleeps on my chest right now I just think about what a bad habit I may have started, and will I ever get relief while she naps. I think I am going to start trying to have her feed while I lay down.

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