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Sunday, September 18, 2011

One Month Old

Claire Elisabeth is ONE MONTH OLD TODAY!

1 month stats: 9 lbs !!!
Claire also got her Hep B 2nd shot and it was heart wrenching...she screamed then was easily calmed when I picked her up.

Nicknames: Beary, Bears, Clairey, Claire Beth, and Sweet C, more to come I am sure.

Things Claire can do:

She has rolled over probably more than both hands can count. It doesn't happen all the time and sometimes it startles her and she cries after the fact. She goes from her tummy to her back pretty quickly, especially if her hands are out in front of her.

Claire also props herself up with her knees bent like she'd like to crawl, but she's clearly too young. I have a feeling we may have an early crawler (uh oh!).

Sweet C loves, loves, loves, to stare and can get easily fixated on black and white objects.

She is extremely alert 5-6 hours a day and sometimes longer. Her eyes are so big and already turning, what we think is Brown. She's going to be our brown eyed girl (most likely).

She has the prettiest complexion. It's just gorgeous. Definitely got her daddy's coloring.

She has her mommy's just about everything else (see the picture for comparison). It is pretty scary how similar Claire looks compared to my baby pictures. Poor Tim!

Her hair is starting to fall out, as we've found random strands of her pretty dark hair around. Tim is very sad about this and wants it to stay. I do too!

Claire has been wearing cloth diapers not on a regular basis, but more and more as mommy is getting used to it. We like them because I change her as soon as she's wet because we can tell and she isn't getting rashes with them. Whereas the Pampers we are noticing rashes overnight. She really has the cutest fluffy bum because it's sooo big! Pretty darn cute:

Claire is gooing and gahhing all over the place. She loves to coo! It's adorable. The cutest thing is I say, "Hiiii" to her all the time in a high pitch and she's been imitating it. It really sounds like, "hiii". So cute.

Beary is smiling now. She has been shooting us smiles for about two weeks (like since just before she was 4 weeks old). She now can do it when I work really hard to get her smile for mommy. She loves to do it and they always show her entire toothless mouth. I just love her gummies!

Bears also drools and blows bubbles. We keep teasing and saying she's so advanced that she is already teething. For my sake, I am praying she isn't teething anytime soon. ;o)

Beary has gone to her first lacrosse tournament last weekend (I'll do a separate post on this). We won and the girl's gave her the huge (tacky) trophy.

Visitors so far:

Claire has been so fortunate to have so many visitors. We have seen Sada, Erin, Ian, Heather, James, Katie, Natalie, Jess, Sa, Miss Karen, and for now that's all I can remember because I am drawing a blank.

Places we've gone:

Target, Babies R Us, Marshall's, Giant, Starbucks, to Baltimore City for the Ravens/Steelers Tailgate (she must of been the good luck charm) Century HS for the girls soccer game, OC, Kelly& Harper's house for a playdate
, Liz & Penelope's for a playdate

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