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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Uppa Baby Vista, BABY!


It's here! It's here! It finally arrived. It really only took about 4 days, I think we ordered it on Thursday night and as I came home from lunch today it was sitting nice next to our front door! I almost jumped up and down. I rolled it into the house, it was too big for me to lift and carry. Then I started taking it all out of the box because I could not contain my excitement. We never went to the store and test drove it (a big no-no apparently) because it's not in normal everyday baby stores, like Babies R Us. Anyways, it was soooo easy to put together I couldn't wait for Tim to get home. Snap one wheel, snap the next and the next and the next. Unfold the bassinet (soooo cute) and snap that into the frame. Andddd waaala! It's a beauty.

Monty is afraid of it and doesn't want to be near it, but it rides soooo smoothly! I am so excited for the little one to arrive so we can take her on walks around Patapsco State Park in it. It will be perfect all fall long and I hear it does really well in the snow, too! :o)

The only downfall is we spent a fortune and it's not a jogging stroller, but here's my beef with that being one of my features "I'd need": honestly when I run I like it to be about meeee, selfish, possibly, but reality. I don't want to run 2-3 miles while pushing a stroller and worrying about a baby. I want to be able to run and run and run while listening to music or taking Monty on a jog or enjoying the weather without the child. The walks are for her and our family to bond together, not MY runs. As selfish as that might sound, that is the main reason I didn't get a jogger. Now I may eventually buy a cheap jogger off Craigslist when the time comes to run with her because if Tim isn't home and I want to get my workout in or something like that, but otherwise, I am running solo after this pregnancy! That will be Tim's bonding time with his little girl!

I will post pics later because I can't wait to take out the camera and snap a few shots of this beauty! Here she is in her pretty Maya Yellow, but I took this with my cell phone so it's not a great pic...more to come!

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